Hello, I'm Cas

About Me.

My name is Casmir Onyekani. I like to be called Cas. As a graduate of computer science education, I've delved deep into the world of technology and emerged as a versatile professional.

With a passion for web development, I craft digital experiences that not only captivate but also solve real-world problems. But my journey doesn't stop there. As a technical writer, I translate complex concepts into digestible insights, sharing knowledge and empowering others to thrive in the digital age. As a teacher, I foster learning environments where curiosity flourishes and minds are ignited. And as an entrepreneur, I'm driven to build solutions that make a difference.

Together, let's embark on a journey of innovation, education, and growth.

  • Skills.
  • Languages

    JavaScript and Python


    React, Bootstrap, Redux

    Version Control

    Git and Github

    Technical Writing

    Clear and concise articles

    User manuals

    API guides

  • Education.
  • B.Sc. Ed. in Computer Science

    Ebonyi State University

    Abakaliki, Nigeria

    2006 - 2010

  • Certifications.
  • Web Development

    CWW Tech Africa Cohort 4.0

    Responsive Web Design


    JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structure


    Front End Development Libraries



Website Development

Creates visually appealing and interactive interfaces by coding layouts, navigation menus, forms, and other elements that comprise the frontend of a website, ensuring functionality across all devices.

Technical Writing

Crafts comprehensive articles that not only explain the 'how' but also the 'why' behind various web development practices and emerging technologies.


Provides one-on-one tutoring, creative lessons, and engaging classroom instruction to promote literacy, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration skills, and real-world applications for all students.



The Calculator employs formula logic and performs basic arithmetic operations.

Drum Machine

This Machine has unique HTML5 audio samples for each drum pad, triggering audio clips through clicks or associated trigger keys.

Survey Form

The survey form for Nuel Cas Cleaners systematically collects customer feedback through a structured set of question.

Markdown Previewer

It renders GitHub flavored markdown as HTML in the preview field, enabling real-time updates when entering text into the editor field.

Temperature Converter

The temperature converter renders temperatures in Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.

A 25 + 5 clock

Pomodoro timer enhances productivity by utilizing two countdown timers where users work for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, repeat the cycle.


